Delivery Information

We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, that cannot be shipped to certain international destinations.

When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items and the shipping options you choose. Depending on the shipping provider you choose, shipping date estimates may appear on the shipping quotes page.

• All Orders are dispatched within 1 business day unless specified differently in the active listing.
• All orders are dispatched via Australia Post and includes automatic email notifications along with tracking details.
• Delivery within Australia - The estimated delivery timeframe within Australia may extend up to 8 business days (Monday - Friday / Saturdays in certain states, excluding public holidays), from the date payment has been received.
• Delivery Worldwide - Worldwide delivery timeframe is within 10-18 business days. Monday - Friday / Saturdays in certain states, excluding public holidays), from the date payment has been received. • An order summary and email with detailed information, will specify a delivery date as we are aware that certain orders may be dispatched via express post, standard registered post, overnight delivery or an international registered parcel.
• Where you have purchased a product that is dispatched from our overseas warehouse (it would clearly specified on the relevant listing), delivery time may extend up to 14-18 calendar days.
• Unless prearranged, orders will be delivered to the address on the Order Confirmation you receive. If no-one is available to take delivery of your products, Australia Post may leave a card in your mailbox for the item to be collected from your local Australia Post outlet - identification may be required.
• Please contact us for more details.

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